Call for 2024-25 Officer & Council Nominations

Voting members of ACNS are invited to submit nominations (including self-nominations) for Officer and Council positions to be vacated in 2025. The fol­lowing positions will be vacated as of the 2025 Annual Meeting and will be up for election:

  • Second Vice President
  • Secretary (current Secretary eligible to serve a second term)
  • Councilors-at-Large

Desired Candidate Attributes:
ACNS is committed to identifying and developing leadership that is diverse, inclusive, and in possession of the knowledge and competencies critical to performing at a high level and to moving the Society forward.

The ACNS Nominating Committee has developed the following list of attributes* exhibited by effective leaders that successful candidates for ACNS Officer and Council positions will demonstrate:

  • Team orientation – the inclination to solve problems through the work of the group as opposed to individual initiative;
  • Communication – the ability to convey information effectively and listen to others;
  • Experience/Reputation – knowledge in areas that are needed to offer guidance on critical issues as well as a positive perception and recognition of said knowledge;
  • Strategic Thinker – ability to analyze issues and make decisions that set and support the direction of the Society;
  • Innovative – ability to develop creative solutions or adapt previous solutions in new ways
  • Knowledge of the Society – necessary context and information to make informed decisions and provide direction;
  • Commitment – sense of being emotionally attached to the work of the Society;
  • Capacity – the ability to take part in governing the Society, including time and capacity to fully cognitively engage;
  • Service Orientation – a sense of responsibility to the Society, its members, their patients, and the greater good of the field of CNP in general; an
  • Leadership Experience – prior involvement in positions of responsibility both within and outside of ACNS (including committee, course, or symposia leadership).

Leadership Diversity:
ACNS strives to be governed by a diverse and inclusive Council, in terms of race, reli­gion, ancestry, national origin, age, sex, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, veteran status, membership to any labor charity, political ideology, disability or any other legally protected basis. It is the policy of ACNS to provide equal volunteer leadership opportunities to all eligible persons to the fullest extent provided by applicable federal, state, and local law.

Likewise, ACNS strives to maintain diverse and balanced representation among its leadership that is reflective of the breadth of expertise and practice settings of the membership.

While applications from all are invited, at this time, the Nominating Committee has identified the following expertise needed on Council and wish to particularly encourage candidates with the following expertise and practice experience to apply:

  • Sleep
  • Autonomics
  • Neuromuscular
  • Non-academic, community practice
  • Pediatric practice focus

How to Nominate a Candidate:
To make a nomination (including a self-nomination), visit the Members-Only section of the ACNS website. Click on the Nomination Form link at the bottom of the page and complete all fields of the nomination form. A complete nomination includes the following information:

  • Candidate name
  • Candidate institution
  • Candidate email
  • Nominator name
  • Nominator email
  • Position for which candidate should be considered
  • Discussion of how the candidate has demonstrated the attributes (see above) that would enable them to excel in the position – nominator to select 3-5 attributes for which they can provide specific examples of demonstrated competence.

Per the ACNS bylaws, candidates must be ACNS Fellows (FACNS) in good standing. A list of ACNS Fellows may be found as part of the Member Direc­tory on the Members-Only page of the ACNS website:

  • Sign-in to the Members-Only section with your username and password;
  • Click “Member Directory” on the left side of the page;
  • Click the “Search” tab at the top of the Member Directory;
  • Check the “ACNS Fellows Only” checkbox, then click “Search” for a complete list of ACNS Fellows in alphabetical order. Other criteria may be added to further narrow your search.

Next Steps:
Following the close of the nomination period, the Nominating Committee will:

  • Consider all nominations received;
  • Reach out to a short list of candidates to confirm their willingness to serve and request a statement from each, asking the candidate to address their qualifications related to the attributes above;
  • Review candidate statements, and finally,
  • Select the final slate of candidates to be presented to the ACNS membership for election.

The deadline to submit a nomination is Monday, July 15, 2024.

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