Featured Case Submission Form

ACNS seeks short case-based reports for online publication as part of the ACNS quarterly newsletter. The cases should illustrate neurophysiological concepts in EEG, EMG, IOM, evoked potentials or sleep medicine, and submission should accompany high-quality neurophysiologic images without any identifiers. Learning points should be demonstrated in a question and multiple-choice answer format with a referenced explanation for each correct answer. The content is geared towards the learning of residents, fellows or practicing neurophysiologists. These cases are peer-reviewed, typically by the ACNS resident and fellow education committee members within 4-8 weeks. Accepted cases are published on the ACNS website quarterly.

Educational Incentives: As part of ACNS’s commitment to trainee education, the first authors (if in training at the time of submission) of all accepted cases will receive a discount on their ACNS annual meeting registration.


  • There is no word limit however, preferred to be under 750 words.
  • The figures should have appropriate labels and legends. Figures must display all settings and filters; if the figure does not show this, please add this information to the figure legend. Figures and tables (if any) must be cited in the body of the manuscript.
  • All reports should include at least 2 multiple-choice questions highlighting key learning points. Answers should include an explanation with appropriate references.
  • References should be listed at the end of the document and cited in the answer explanations in compliance with “Uniform Requirements”.
  • Patient identifiers from images or videos should be removed.

Author 1


These should have appropriate labels and figure legends. Figures must display all settings and filters; if the figure does not show this, please add this information to the figure legend. Figures and tables (if any) must be cited in the body of the manuscript.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Multiple Choice Questions

All reports should include at least 2 multiple-choice questions highlighting key learning points. Answers should include an explanation with appropriate references.

Question 1

Question 2


These references should be cited in the answer explanations in compliance with “Uniform Requirements”.

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